PROMSA is a company of the Cementos Molins Group | Corporate web Site

Telf. Customer service: +34 93-680.60.20

Innovative solution

One of the objectives of Promsa is to be close to our clients, contribute with our services to solve problems and queries that may arise with the products throughout the works. For this reason, we offer technical advise from a team of professionals prepared to answer questions.

How and when should I use a specific product?, Which characteristics can a product bring to a structural element?, which product will suit better the specific needs of project?, What kind of concrete would be the best to achieve specific characteristics? These are some of the questions that our specialists can help solve on the site.




The development of new products, based on innovation and on the identified needs of the site, allows us to research, test and develop products that meet the specific needs of a project, wich is very useful in the market.

The research tasks and development carried out through the cooperation with universities and other bodies, which bring new knowledge and allow us to innovate together through tests performed at our laboratories.



Examples of Developed products

Some of the products developed by our technical advisors from the needs identified on site:

  • Self-levelling mortar, provides flat surfaces after the slabs.
  • Heavy concrete, applications such as radiation insulation or counterweights.
  • Lightweight concrete, used in structures of renovated buildings.
  • Concrete with fibers, removes or minimises the presence of cracks in small thicknesses.
  • Concrete with high wear resistance, using steel aggregate in its manufacturing process.
  • Pumped aerated concrete, fresh from the concrete plant.
  • Etc.